Measuring, Like Rumi by Corinne Stanley *Traducción al Español*

Midiendo, como Rumi*

Estoy tratando de resolver
en qué animal me he convertido

anhelar profundamente el
derramamiento de algo

viejo, como pieles de invierno, plumas
usadas en vuelo. Estoy tratando

de medir la distancia
de cuando por primera vez

di vueltas bajo la lluvia, barro
salpicaduras alegres en mis pies.

Autos, teléfonos, televisiones,
tostadoras y una caja plástica.

Toma mi mano y
vamos a los prados

así -tadum, tadum-

*Translation to Spanish by Marjha Paulino

Measuring, Like Rumi*

I am trying to figure out
what animal I have become

to yearn so deeply for
the shedding of something

old, like winter fur, feathers
worn in flight. I am trying

to measure the distance
from when I first

twirled in the rain, mud
a joyful splattering on my feet.

Cars, phones, TVs,
toasters and a plastic box.

Take my hand and
let us go into the meadows

like this – tadum, tadum-
like this.

*This poem was taken from the book Breath into the Knowing.

Illustration: Michelle Paulino (

Corinne Stanley is an American poet, artist and translator currently living in Iowa. She is the author of They Say This is Light, Daughter of Corn: Coming of Age in the Americas and Breath into the Knowing. As part of her artistic work as a visual artist, her collages constitute a deep respect for Latin american culture and show her spiritual journeys.


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