Origin by Katie Condon *Traducción al Español*
Nací dentro de una tórtola.
Hay viento en todos nosotros.
Aquí estoy
en un siglo que tiene sus ojos
bien cerrados-No sé exactamente
por qué estoy aquí: Al final
el sol nos barniza a todos
en ámbar. Desvístete
para esa luz. Hay un vuelo
en todos nosotros. Encuéntrame
en el pasto cosiendo altramuces
azules en cada curva
de nuestra risa. Nací
dentro de la tórtola decadente
que encontraste sombreada
en la lavanda. Llámame gusano.
Cuando mueras, no te preocupes
resurgiré de ti
opaco como un ángel
admirando tu cintura podrida.
Yo, también, moriré-estoy
muriendo-sin embargo, soy
un gusano, sin embargo, codicio
las fragancias de tu floración
sin aliento. Nazco
del duelo. Estoy
tan asustado como tú.
*Translation to Spanish by Marjha Paulino.
I was born inside a mourning dove.
There is wind in all of us.
Here I am
in a century that has its eyes
shut tight—don’t I know exactly
why I’m here: in the end
the sun varnishes us all
in amber. Undress
for that light. There is flight
in all of us. Find me
in the pasture sewing
bluebonnets into each bend
of our laughter. I was born
inside the decayed mourning
dove you found shaded
in lavender. Call me maggot.
When you die, don’t worry.
I will rise up from you
opaque as the angel
admiring your rotted waist.
I, too, will die—am
dying—though I
am a maggot, though I covet
fragrance from your breathless
flowering. I am born
from grieving. I am
as afraid as you.
Illustration: John Kenn Mortensen
Katie Condon is a young American poet. Her poems have appeared in magazines as The New Yorker, Narrative Magazine, Four Way Review, etc. She is now a doctoral student in Literature and Creative Writing at the University of Tennessee.
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