Domestic Lament by Peter Balakian *Traducción al Español*

Lamento Doméstico*

Como intensa muselina 
hay aire alrededor de mi casa.
Una copa medio llena
de vinagre en mi escritorio.

Las mandarinas son globos estropeados
en un tazón.

Sigo mirando
como si estuviera pensando en la niebla
que se instala en el huerto
imaginando lo que hay más allá de mí.

Abajo aceite en el sartén-
ajos marrones
como de otro año

del tiempo
en que eras una forma en mi vida.

*Translation to Spanish by Marjha Paulino

Domestic Lament

Like heavy muslin
there is air around my house.
A goblet half-full
of vinegar on my desk.

Tangerines are spoiled globes
in a bowl.

I keep looking
as if I were thinking about the fog
which settles into the orchard
imagining what’s beyond me.

Downstairs oil in a skillet-
garlic browns
as if from another year

from a time
when you were a shape in my life.

Image: Bar­bara Dziadosz

Peter Balakian (1951)  is an Armenian American poet, writer and academic. He was awarded with the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 2016. He is the author of several collections of poetry, including Ozone Journal (2015), Ziggurat (2010), and June-tree: New and Selected Poems 1974–2000. 


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